"Love is a harsh and dreadful thing to ask of us, but it is the only answer."--Dorothy Day


Long Overdue.

I was reading a blog a used to read today and found myself linked there. It reminded me of the power of joy in small things. So, three beautiful things for today...

(1) Nonsensical conversations brought on by nonsensical VP debates...about pork bellies. Everyone likes pork bellies. What's so wrong with pork bellies?

(2) Having had the same conversation with the same people so many times that you have a script in your head. Sounds monotonous but really it's just terrifically efficient.

(3) The first sweater and scarf day of fall. Hooray!

1 comment:

JTB said...

1) 5 children 3 yrs and under in my house for Sat morning playdate.

2) tea and currant buns.

3) a friend's successful dissertation process! go Anna!